nusa sino nsgh

Invest in Malaysia

Our FDI Executive Desk is NSGH’s dedicated unit for facilitating the establishment and the development of foreign companies in Malaysia. The Unit’s main activities focus on:

Offering high-level consulting services for strategic investments

Supporting investors throughout the investment life cycle

Promoting business

Helping foreign investors to establish or expand operations

3 Types of FDIs we focus on:

Horizontal FDI

Horizontal FDI is where investments are invested in Malaysia or abroad in the same industry. In other words, a business invests in a Malaysian or foreign firm that produces similar goods.

Vertical FDI

Vertical FDI is where an investment is made within the supply chain, but not directly in the same industry. In other words, a business invests in a Malaysia or foreign firm that it may be supplying or sell to.

Conglomerate FDI

Conglomerate FDI is where an investment is made in a completely different industry in Malaysia or abroad. In other words, it is not linked in any direct way to the investors business.

NSGH’s FDI Executive desk model is also established in China and other RCEP countries as well.

Your investment life cycle is in good hands

RCEP Countries

Invest in Other Countries


What Is an Outward Direct Investment (ODI)?

An outward direct investment (ODI) is a business strategy in which a domestic firm expands its operations to a foreign country.

ODI can take many different forms depending on the company. For example, some companies will make a green field investment, which is when a parent company creates a subsidiary in a foreign country. A merger or acquisition can also occur in a foreign country (and so may be considered an outward direct investment). Finally, a company may decide to expand an existing foreign facility as part of an ODI strategy. Employing ODI is a natural progression for firms if their domestic markets become saturated and better business opportunities are available abroad.

The extent of a nation’s outward direct investment can be seen as an indication that its economy is mature. ODI has been shown to increase a country’s investment competitiveness and has proven to be crucial for long-term, sustainable growth.

Here the services we provide to our potential clients are quite similar to FDI.

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