nusa sino nsgh



商业加速器计划 (BAP 3.0) 是一项综合援助计划,旨在通过商业咨询服务和财务支持提高中小企业 (SME) 的能力。该计划支持广泛的能力建设计划,以帮助中小企业在本地和全球发展和扩展业务。


  • 配套补助金
  • 软贷款:中小企业银行

申请会议 2:2021 年 9 月 1 日至 9 月 30 日

business grant

BEEP 是一项专门计划,旨在通过综合援助与手把手的方法,包括加强中小企业核心业务、建设能力和能力、提高生产力和促进融资渠道,来创建和发展具有竞争力、弹性和活力的土著中小企业。

在线申请从 2021 年 8 月 2 日至 2021 年 9 月 30 日。

business grant

Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE) 计划是政府的一项倡议,旨在鼓励年轻人创业。它是在 2014 年 3 月的土著青年企业家大会期间提出的。在 2014 年 3 月 29 日的大会闭幕式上,YAB 总理宣布拨款 1000 万令吉给马来西亚中小企业公司,以在 2014 年实施该计划。



business grant


战略产业和高成长企业提升计划 (PRESTIGE) 旨在根据国家创业政策 (DKN 2030) 在医疗器械、生物技术、航空航天、铁路等战略领域发展高成长性中小企业。

为每个参与的中小企业提供最高 500,000 令吉的配套补助金,用于:

  • 产品和流程改进
  • 生产原型和标准
  • 产品测试和验证
  • 合规和监管认证
  • 质量管理体系和制造/企业资源计划 (MRP/ERP)
  • 营销和促销活动

business grant


  • 为每位创新者/中小企业提供最多 RM200,000 的援助,用于:
    • 知识产权保护,包括现有技术检索;
    • 概念设计和原型开发;
    • 生产原型和标准;
    • 产品测试和验证;和
    • 合规和监管认证。
  • 高达 100 万令吉的包容性创新收购基金(IIAF),供政府从创新者那里购买适当的知识产权,并将其置于开放源代码中,供 B40 集团免费使用。
  • 支持活动:
    • 市场情报和社区概况;
    • 社区试点项目;
    • 学习和培训在社区中使用创新;
    • 通过将产品推向市场,使创新进入市场并使之保持一致;和
    • 法律和专业知识领域的外包服务)。

business grant

该计划旨在为微型企业设立和经营企业提供简化的早期援助,并培训包括青年、妇女、B40 和其他社区在内的包容性群体,以通过创业获得新的创收技能。


  • 微型企业
  • 包容性群体,包括青年、女性、B40 等


  • 技术援助:
    • 在线应用、移动电子商务和电子支付及ICT应用;
    • 生产力提升设备/活动;
    • 广告和促销活动;和
    • 其他相关技术援助。

business grant

GrowBiz 是马来西亚中小企业公司在微型企业家业务发展计划 (BizME) 下的一项举措,专门旨在提升微型企业的知识和技能,以促进他们向小型企业发展。 GrowBiz 将由 SME Corp. 指定的合格实施合作伙伴进行。马来西亚在中小企业业务转型方面拥有丰富的经验。

所有 GrowBiz 参与者都必须接受专门的定制培训模块,其中包括:

  • 自我转变
  • 创业之旅
  • 商业合规与立法
  • 运营管理
  • 资源管理与财务
  • 技术转型与数字化
  • 商务沟通
  • 营销与品牌
  • 客户关系管理
  • 商业模式和系统

business grant

Qualifying Criteria
  • SME Status Certification [click here]
  • 60% company equity owned by Bumiputera
  • Operating with valid Business Premises Licenses
  • At least one (1) year in operations 
  • Product(s) or service(s) registered with Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO)
  • No conflict of interest with supplier(s)
  • Undergo SCORE/ M-CORE assessment  

Offered by SME Corp. Malaysia

sme corp


  • Establishment of Physical Office or Overseas Business Operation
  • Overseas Marketing & Promotional Activities
  • Brand Development
  • Market Research, Feasibility Study, Market Intelligence & Industry Experts / Marketing Agents
  • E-Commerce Market Entry
  • Training/Courses/Seminars/Conferences related to Exports
  • Product Packaging Enhancements
  • Certification & International Standard Requirements
  • Product Improvements towards Exports
  • Productivity and Automation Improvemetnts towards Export
  • Consulting Services for Export Readiness
  • Other Export Related Activities

Offered by Majlis Amanah Raya (MARA)



Maximum Amount:  RM5 million
Financing Charge:  2%
Financing Period:  Maximum 10 years
Grace Period:  6 months


  • Establishment of Physical Office or Overseas Business Operation
  • Overseas Marketing & Promotional Activities
  • Brand Development
  • Market Research, Feasibility Study, Market Intelligence & Industry Experts / Marketing Agents
  • E-Commerce Market Entry
  • Training/Courses/Seminars/Conferences related to Exports
  • Product Packaging Enhancements
  • Certification & International Standard Requirements
  • Product Improvements towards Exports
  • Productivity and Automation Improvemetnts towards Export
  • Consulting Services for Export Readiness
  • Other Export Related Activities

智能自动化补助金 (SAG)


SAG 是为服务公司提供的配套赠款,用于实现业务流程自动化并迈向数字化。


  1. 申请人必须是一家公司,其注册的商业活动主要包括服务部门的传统或非技术活动。
  2. 服务领域的公司包括零售、批发、食品和饮料、旅游、物流、运输、教育、医疗保健、房地产、专业服务和金融服务。服务业名单会定期更新。
每位成功申请者可获得高达项目总成本百分之五十 (50%) 或上限为 RM200,000 的配套补助金。
下载 SAG 申请表之前 2021 年 9 月 17 日.

What is SME Digitalisation Initiative?

  • Grant amounting up to 50% or a maximum of RM 5,000 from total invoice amount
  • Digitalisation areas:
    1. Electronic Point of Sale System (e-POS)
    2. Human Resource Payroll System (HR) / Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
    3. Digital Marketing / Sales
    4. Procurement
    5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) / Accounting & Taxation
    6. Remote Working
    7. e-Commerce
  • Objective of this initiative is to increase digitalization adoption among SMEs in Malaysia
Who is eligible for SME Digitalisation Initiative?
  • Available to SME and Cooperative (“Koperasi“”) registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia;
    1. The SME is at least 60% owned by Malaysian;
    2. The SME/Coop has been in operation for at least six (6) months; and
    3. The SME/Coop has minimum average annual sales turnover of RM50, 000.
How do I apply for SME Digitalisation Initiative?
  • Application period is subject to fund’s availability
  • Application process:
    1. The Applicant must contact and appoint one or more services of Service Providers listed by MDEC to perform any of the digitalisation services available (maximum of 3 digital services).
    2. The Applicant must complete and submit the application form together with the required supporting documents to the Service Provider.
    3. The Service Provider is to submit the application form together with the supporting document to the Bank.
    4. Once the application is approved, the applicant is responsible to pay the 50% from the total invoice or more which Bank will only make payment 50% or up to RM5, 000.00 to the Service Provider.


市场开发补助金 (MDG) 是一项有偿补助金形式的支持计划。 MDG 于 2002 年推出,旨在协助出口商在全球推广马来西亚制造的产品或服务。这 MDG的终生限额为RM300,000 它是专门为马来西亚中小企业公司、专业服务提供商、贸易和工业协会、商会、专业机构和合作社制定的。


  1. 中小型企业 (SME)

  2. 专业服务提供商(独资企业或合伙企业)

  3. 行业协会、商会或专业团体

  4. 合作社


  • 体育赛事
  • 参加在马来西亚/海外举办的国际贸易展览会或展览会

  • 参与贸易与投资代表团 (TIM) 或出口加速代表团 (EAM)

  • 参加在海外举办的国际会议

  • 马来西亚制造产品在海外超市或大卖场或零售中心或精品店的上市费用

  • 虚拟活动
  • 参加马来西亚或海外的虚拟国际贸易展览会
  • 参加与虚拟贸易投资代表团和出口加速任务相关的企业对企业 (B2B) 会议

电子贸易计划 2.0

eTRADE 计划 2.0 是对 RMK-11 下的 eTRADE 计划的增强,旨在通过持续参与跨境电子商务平台来加速出口。该计划将继续协助 新公司 登上跨境电商平台出口,最高奖励 RM5,000 为了 任何跨境电子商务平台,订阅一年.同时,新的奖励额度最高可达 每家公司 RM20,000 将提供给已经开展电子商务的公司,以开展能够维持其参与跨境电子商务平台的活动。激励是 在一 (1) 年内使用.


  1. 加快出口。
  2. 协助马来西亚中小企业在跨境电子商务平台上拥有可持续和有价值的存在,通过有助于维持其在线业务的活动,如数字营销、电子商务培训和在线出口促销,以增加他们在跨境的曝光率和商机电子商务平台


服务出口基金 (SEF)

SEF 为马来西亚服务提供商 (MSP) 提供协助,以开展活动以扩展和进入国际市场。援助以有偿赠款的形式提供。发放的补助金是根据每项活动的最高金额,在 2021 年至 2025 年期间,每家公司的总额高达 430 万令吉


  • 提高马来西亚服务提供商(MSP)在海外的竞争力;
  • 增加 MSP 在全球市场的可及性和扩大出口;
  • 扩大出口促进范围,为服务获得市场准入和出口机会;和
  • 提升马来西亚在国际上作为有能力的服务提供者的形象,并将马来西亚作为服务提供者的品牌。 

Other Grants

  • Dana Kemakmuran Bumiputera (“DKB”) Programme was launched by Minister in Prime Minister’s Department (Special Taskforce) on 11 August 2020.
  • The provision of these funds is up to 10% of the eligible project cost or RM2 million, (whichever is lower), channeled on a “reimbursement basis” to the Company.
  • The objectives of DKB:
    • To support in the form of “tipping points” or catalysts for qualified Bumiputera companies to explore new investments in strategic sectors.
    • To create more employment opportunities at all levels of employment among Bumiputera.
    • To achieve sustainable economic growth through business expansion programs.
Who is eligible for Dana Kemakmuran Bumiputera Programme?
  • The Company is a first time applicant.
  • The Company must be incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act 2016.
  • 100% owned by Bumiputera.
  • The Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director / Majority of Top Management are Bumiputera.
  • Project progress does not exceed 30% of the total project development at the time the application is received.
How do I apply for Dana Kemakmuran Bumiputera Programme?
Who is eligible for the Aerospace Matching Grant?
  • Applications are open to any Bumiputera Aerospace SMEs in Malaysia and having business in the aerospace manufacturing and services.
  • The scope of the Grant must be within the framework of the priority areas as follows:
    1. Technical training of Malaysians for new projects;
    2. R&D which covers jigs & fixtures design fabrication, first article, raw material, engineering wages etc.;
    3. CAPEX for new machinery/equipment/ tooling/ jigs & fixtures/ mould & die /IT hardware/software/ other related expenses;
    4. Customer approval on processes; and
    5. First product qualification & approval; accreditation/ certification/licensing.
  • Application to be submitted to:

National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office (NAICO),
Industry Development Division,
Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI),
No.7, Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel (Hotline): +603-8000 8000

  • Latex Production Incentive Programme (Insentif Pengeluaran Lateks) is an initiative to motivate the smallholders to shift from producing cuplump to latex which can contribute to better income.
  • Participation:
    • Every participating smallholder will receive one-off assistance in the form of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides worth RM850.00 per hectare. Participants will also receive incentives of RM1.00 per kilogram for 100% Dry Rubber Content (DRC).
    • Participating Cooperatives/Rubber dealers will benefit from the newly-built or upgrade of their rubber collection center and be given RRIMeterTM to measure the DRC, subject to agreed terms and conditions. Training on latex- handling will be provided by MRB.
  • Objective of this initiative is:
    • To increase nation’s annual latex production by 30% to 40,000 tonnes to increase supply of latex to the rubber downstream sector.
    • To increase income of smallholders by producing latex.
    • To create an efficient model of latex supply chain.
Who is eligible for IPL?
  • For smallholders:
    • Malaysian citizen and hold a rubber transaction authority permit (PATG)
    • Own a matured rubber plantation of less than 100 acres (40.47 ha) and producing latex
    • Sell latex to rubber dealers who use RRIMniagaTM
  • For Cooperatives/ Rubber dealers:
    • Own a buying and selling license of rubber from MRB
    • Transactions must be conducted through RRIMniagaTM
How do I apply for IPL?
  • Application period for this initiative is from 1st January to 31st December 2022
  • Application Process:
    • For smallholders: IPL payments will be automatically transferred to qualified rubber smallholders accounts. As such, rubber smallholders must sell directly to cooperatives/rubber dealers who use RRIMniagaTM system.
    • For Cooperatives/ Rubber dealers: Cooperatives/rubber dealers are required to submit the application form to join the IPL Program at any nearby MRB offices in Peninsular Malaysia.